
anoniem Game profile


Jul 22nd 2012, 20:20:52

Originally posted by Pang:
as for PDM being sucked into the larger war... ya, I don't like seeing PDM working with the current incarnations of MD, Evo and SoL whose leadership seemed to focus most of their energy on destroying others rather than building themselves up.

must be why you wanted me to sign a DP with PDM and break a year long pact with SoF that I didn't need to. funny how quickly people forget about those who helped them, particularly when it wasn't in their best interests to do so.

i'd like to add it was so that sof would perhaps back down from pdm without the need to sign a pact (seeing as PDM didn't want one with sof). fair enough in my eyes. it's no secret that i'm not a lover of ivan or the way he treats people.

and, anyway evo have had a pact with laf for quite a few sets now, and the resets where we didn't have a pact - LaF FSed EVO. only up until hanlong/tc were caught last set did we break the uNAP and FS them, and again this reset.

so, what you've just set above doesn't correspond to what has happened in the game.

here's a good post from an EVO FA:
"Apr/26/12 16:55:52
I only returned 3 sets ago, so I have many gaps in knowledge of the past history of alliance server. So pardon me if I make statements that may be a little off.

The way I see it, LaF/SoF have got themselves into such deep hatred that makes it impossible to turn back the wheels of war. So war has to happen for this server to vent its emotional frustrations - too many people are calling for blood. To this extent, we need to rally alliances. This will likely be the main focus of this thread.

However, as anon has said, we should not be planning to run LaF/SoF/RD or any other alliance we do not like off the server - it is not healthy and counterproductive to this game. So what kind of server do we want then? Here, I am pointing out that we also need to think hard about Phase 2 (after the war) - reconstructing a stable server where all clans are happy to buy into the status quo.

It cannot be like in the past where netting alliances try to net and war alliances which are bored come in to blindside them. Similarly, it cannot be like now where powerful netting alliances isolate and FS weaker ones - a new kind of netgaining. This ding-donging back and forth between war after war only serves to drive players away from this game.

In my view, the most stable and relatively happy server is one where warring alliances war each other and treehuggers net, and on the side, there can be pre-arranged wars occassionally between war and netting alliances. There will be assholes who just want to pick a fight, so if such idiots appear the community has to work together to put them back in their place and maintain stability in the server. To this effect, alot effort will have to be put in crafting pacts such that there are no loopholes for exploitation from either side. Furthermore, I would advocate improving transparency of pacts by having them posted on AT. Sure people can lie and post fake pacts etc but essentially the hope is that by improving transparency, it makes it harder for clans to lie and to seggregate alliances as others can call their bluff. If we fail to enact such measures, I am afraid we will just keep seeing the same wars happening over and over again.

Last point, the old guard in this server have too much bad blood between each other. If new pacts are to be negotiated, it will have to be from new blood which do not have such deep contempt for each other. I am sure the old guard will continue to influence from behind the scenes, but here the important thing is to remove the psychological barrier of 'negotiating with scum/douchebags/etc'. So my view is that prospective new blood should be groomed for this future role. This does not mean old leaders step down, more that new leaders with 'fresh thinking' come in to establish communication and build relations from there, while taking direction from the top."

"Dr. anoniem [OFWGKTA]
Posts: 7835
Apr/28/12 10:41:33
yeah, this isnt about getting revenge or gangbangs. but pacting sof/laf is pretty much being told "pact us or we will war you, but it's ok for us to not pact you when we choose".

That is my whole case for bullying, also if said alliances truly liked even wars then they wouldnt have done as they have done over the past year.

and yeah bluffing won't work because they will just FS and claim that we were the aggressive ones.

it should be we all decide to pact rival/laf/sof or nobody pacts them. i dont want to see anybody's alliance get killed off for a whole set and nobody can help them. it's not even about winning and losing. it's about standing together.

i really appreicated it when sol/tie/imag came to help evo, and even though we lost that was the true spirit of the game."

So, i don't buy into the whole we wanted to run laf/sof off the server because we hate them. yes, there are certain people on our "side" who wanted war, but there are also people on the other "side" who wanted war, and any old excuse would have done.

"18:43 S|snake when have evo ever warred for themselves...."

the 1-2 reset(s) where evo do something for themselves, against laf, because quite frankly the cheating was the straw that broke the camel's back we get chastised as wanting to gangbang alliances off the server. like i've tried to reason several times, if our side had wanted that then we would have all FSed laf this set (simultaneously).

what's toxic about this game is the fluffing lying. it's pitiful.

Edited By: anoniem on Jul 22nd 2012, 21:59:40
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