
TheVoices Game profile


Sep 17th 2011, 23:09:28

Originally posted by crest23:
Country A is in GDI.
Country B is not.

Country B hits Country A, 500 A
Country A retals Country B, 900 A
Country B RoR Country A, DH
Country A retals Country B 1200 A

Country A gets ABed to the ground by Country B.

Country B hits me for 500 A, and generates one GDI authorized counterattack.

COuntry A (me) retals. The counterattack charge is consumed regardless of DH or success.

Let's suppose I DH the first retal, but I am insistent upon getting my land back. Or perhaps it was a topfeed, and I want to try to enforce a L:L policy- I retal again, and forsake my GDI protection.

Alloting a GDI protected country one counterattack per attack against them is both fair and reasonable. A player should not have to be forced to part with their land, or preemptively suicide because someone is trying to game the GDI protection.

Edited By: TheVoices on Sep 17th 2011, 23:12:59
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