
Evolution Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 10:48:12

Avoid if you aren't computer minded.

Intel wants these drives to go mainstream, however at this stage I don't think SSDs are for everyone, unless you have some computer/google skills.

Bascially I purchased a new 3rd gen Intel SSD, I want to put my windows 7 install on it. Intel's website made it sound heaps easy despite my thoughts that it would be anything but. They have a magical cloning tool.

The problem;

My computer is in IDE compatability mode rather than the needed ACHI mode and I have a multidrive multiboot config, with the boot drive being the WinXp physical hard drive.

1.) I have to switch the OS's over the ACHI mode, Windows 7 is easy, change one registry number, however XP requred multiple registry edits and manually installing the ACHI intel drivers (this was a bit of a pain as you need to work out which Intel controller your MOBO has, I remembered but wasn't sure, had to go to mobo manual)

2.) That done, now I will try and see what happens when I clone the Win7 drive and change boot orders and hope for the best.

Somehow I think it won't work well, the boot config will still point the old win7 install :X I sorta know how to fix this.

I have the software to manually configure the boot order somewhere lol.

Edited By: Evolution on Apr 13th 2011, 13:17:53. Reason: Simplify matters
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