
Turtle Crawler Game profile


Jul 10th 2023, 17:53:54

Originally posted by Requiem:
The meta was not all jetter like that that is false.

It isn’t even a conversation comparing the two especially w clan gdi.

Yes it was, before this reset for the past several years it has been all jetter bot farming. (I know, I won two resets doing it). Before that I wasn't playing, but I think it was zero turret land trading. Back in the old days it was holding token turrets, as you were just farming newbs, then holding millions only in the case of midfeeding.

All clan GDI does is a) limit griefing b) forced wars (there are no longer any legitimate reasons for war remaining in the game, if you want to create one then go midfeed another alliance, like in the old days. There are plenty of targets. This is that clan GDI actually protects against).