


Aug 25th 2010, 15:27:50

Develop a way to allow individual play on the server

I propose GDCI; an org you can join that means you can not attack or be attacked by anyone in any clan. To avoid abuse by the usual suspects, once you join GDCI you can not opt out.

This will have the beneficial effect of increasing player numbers, increasing market activity while allowing inexperienced players a lab to develop their use of various govs and strats. Since we are expecting an influx of new players, we should have a means of reducing their learning curve. Experienced players who dont like the chaff inherent in clan play can test the ramifications of new rule and formula changes on various strats.

This will be good for both the server and the site.

the reason such an organization is needed is best summed up by mad morticia and HWCNG. Mad MOrticia said that since ffa is controlled by one man, why bother playing? HWCNG has stated that he believes any untagged country and any one man clans are fodder for the big clans.

Currently if you want to play a number of different countries to test their relative merits for your personal tastes, there is no server where you can legally and efficiently do so.

thanks for your consideration

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Aug 25th 2010, 18:36:02

is running a bunch of countries of different strats that reinforce each other and that can retal not an option in FFA? like a few CI's and a couple Tyr Techers and a couple rep cashers and fasc farmers & oilers ?
Finally did the signature thing.

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 19:52:04

How about if you want individual play, you go play on one of the 3 individual servers, and leave the servers where you have to interact with others to those of us capable of making friends?